Drug Crime Penalties in Ohio

If you are facing drug charges, always be sure to contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer for a breakdown of said charges. Additionally, Ohio Drug Charges vary based on the severity of the crime, use of a weapon, amount of substance and whether or not the offense occurred near schools or minors. Finally, the following sentencing guidelines are used for Cincinnati drug crimes:

  • Minor Misdemeanor Fines up to $150
  • Misdemeanor of the Fourth Degree Up to 30 days in jail and fines not exceeding $250
  • Misdemeanor of the Third Degree Up to 60 days in jail and fines up to $500
  • Misdemeanor of the Second Degree Up to 90 days in jail and fines up to $750
  • Misdemeanor of the First Degree Up to 180 days in jail and fines up to $1,000
  • Felony of the Fifth Degree Up to 12 months of prison time and fines up to $2,500
  • Felony of the Fourth Degree Up to 18 months of prison time and fines up to $5,000
  • Felony of the Third Degree Up to 3 years in prison and fines up to $10,000 and up to 5 years on special F3’s
  • Felony of the Second Degree Up to 8 years in prison and fines up to $15,000
  • Felony of the First Degree Up to 11 years in prison and fines up to $20,000 and up to life on special F1’s

In addition, there are some additional specifications than may be added to common drug charges.

* Additional Major Drug Offender  (“MDO”) Specification may be added to increase sentencing based on the weight of illegal substance* Any MDO specification is deemed mandatory time upon conviction.

The Wieczorek Law Firm defends clients against Cincinnati drug charges. Contact us 24/7  at 513-317-5987 for a free review of your case. Time is not on your side and you need an attorney you can trust to utilizing every defense possible to receive the best outcome.